Working in Brussels as part of a family dynasty of instrument makers around the turn of the 18th Century, Joannes Hyacinthus Rottenburg created this instrument in the first third of the 18th Century. He was active from around 1700 through to some time before his death in 1756. The surviving instrument in the museum in Brugge is the only known example of a bassoon by this maker. The Rottenburgh family were renowned makers of a wide range of woodwind instruments including flutes, recorders, oboes and clarinets. This four keyed instrument is supplied as standard with a G# key.
This instrument is offered at £3850. This
price includes a quality hard case and two reeds.
image to enlarge
The instruments are made in short run batches to order. Please contact us to establish current waiting time for instruments. We do not ask for any deposit when taking orders and will confirm that you still wish to purchase the instrument immediatly prior to begining work on the instrument. Should you wish to cancel the order at that time then this will not be a problem.
As with the other bassoons, additional reeds are
available on request. For players who prefer to make their own reeds , the Rieger
B1 reed profile works well with this instrument and allows the full compass
of notes to the top a' to be achieved with ease. Whilst we can supply reeds,
we also recommend the Pro Reeds #364 reed - contact them at
images to enlarge
In researching and developing this instrument we are indebted to Barbara Stanley
who passed all of her research notes and tooling on to us.
We have experimented with many crook profiles and have now produced a crook
which matches the instrument and plays freely throughout the full range from
low BB flat to the top a'.
Fingering Chart
We also provide a fingering chart with the instrument. In this chart we have
combined fingering options from a number of original charts from the 18th century
alongside some alternative fingerings suggested by professional players.
As ever with fingerings, they are often a matter of the players individual technique
and reed preference. The chart is offered as a guide, to show the many alternatives
which may be useful.
Click on this key image to
download a copy of our Baroque Bassoon fingering chart